Global Vars

You can define global variables with a file called vars.toml in the project root. Keys and values aren’t put in a section of the .toml, they’re just in the file. For example:


This defines a global variable name that can be used in your code.


The TOML format supports datatypes other than just strings, such as booleans and integers. Types that aren’t strings are converted to strings. Booleans that are true are turned into 1, and false ones are turned into 0. Floats like 1.0 are truncated, but floats with non-zero decimals are left alone.

Using Global Vars

To use a global variable in your code, use an & symbol followed by the variable name. Like this:

say Hello, &name!

Which, with the vars.toml defined above, becomes:

say Hello, World!

Instances of &varname are directly replaced, meaning that escaping them with a % symbol doesn’t work. This means that the following code:

say Hello, %&name!

won’t stop the replacement of &name.

When to use

Global variables are useful to let users more easily configure aspects of your datapack. This does mean that the project must be recompiled whenever the configuration is changed, and that users must have Databind downloaded to use the project. If you are only configuring number values, eg. an amount of time to wait for something, then it might be easier for people using your datapack to have a config.mcfunction file somewhere in the project that sets scoreboard values.