Databind CLI

What can be transpiled

Either single mcfunction files or entire datapack folders can be transpiled. When transpiling an entire folder, Databind will look for .databind files and leave other files alone. Passing databind folder is required for using :func.

Note that the namespace inference used for :func assumes a typical datapack file structure (<datapack>/data/<namespace>/functions for functions), but it does not check if this is the case. A minecraft/tags/functions/ folder may be generated in an unexpected place if an invalid folder is passed.

Using the CLI

From an installation

To transpile a single file, run databind file.databind. A file called databind-out.mcfunction will be generated. To transpile a datapack folder, run databind path/to/datapack.

With cargo run

After building Databind yourself, you can use cargo run to run it. Everything works almost the exact same. You just need to add two dashes (--) after run (eg. cargo run -- file.databind or cargo run -- --help).

More information is available from the CLI help menu (databind --help).