Databind Configuration

Configuration File

Databind can be configured via the databind.toml generated in the project’s root. A config file can also be passed with the -c or --config option.

This table represents the default values of the options if no config changes are made.



random_var_names = false

(Not well-supported) Whether to randomly add characters to the end of variable names

var_display_names = false

Whether to update scoreboard display names for randomized variables

inclusions = ["**/*.databind"]

Specify what files to compile using globs

exclusions = []

Specify what files not to copy over/compile using globs

output = "out"

The output file or folder

Example Config

Below is a configuration file with all of the above settings.

random_var_names = false
var_display_names = false
inclusions = ["**/*.databind"]
exclusions = []
output = "out"

CLI Arguments

Most options that can be set in the databind.toml file can also be set using CLI arguments. The CLI arguments use dashes instead of underscores (eg. --random-var-names instead of random_var_names) and may have different names or shorthand.

Example use:

databind -c config.toml -o ./target ./datapack